Learn more about what we do
Franciscan Communications Office
The main objective of the office is to provide the latest information, news, and updates on the life of the Province of San Pedro Bautista in the Philippines and of the Franciscans at large.
Media for Evangelization Office (MEO) is the technical arm or the production outfit of the Franciscan Communications with several tasks such as Print, Digital, Internet Information and Media Library Media Services.
The PMS is in charge of the layout, quality control, and printing of the regular publications, designs, and layout.
Digital Media Services (DMS) takes care of the recording and production of digital audio-visual material for various video productions.
The Internet Information Service (IIS) is in charge of updating and maintaining the website of the Province, and the official Social Media platforms of the Province.
Media Library Service (MLS) keeps in a well organized archival system all the multimedia materials produced and collected by the office. It ensures that all the friars have the opportunity to avail themselves of the use of any of the multimedia materials as the need arises.
Our Latest Production
The Communicator Issues
Download the Digital Files of the Latest Issues of the Communicator Magazine
June 2019 Issue
June 2018 Issue
June 2017 Issue
June 2018 Issue
June 2020 Issue
June 2019 Issue
The Media Team
The team is composed of friars and lay partners.
Br. Aaron Dick Batistis, OFM
In-charge of the day-to-day operations of the Office
Fr. Jimmy Giron, OFM
Editor In-Chief
Content writer, Copywriter
Joevin Kent T. Calabita
Media Assistant
Graphic Designer and Technical crew.